About Linux World

LinuxWorld ('LW') is a fast growing ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organisation; fully governed by young and energetic Technocrats, dedicated to Open Source technologies and Linux promotion.
Since its inception in the year 2005, LW have achieved the status of centre of excellence wherein there is latest technology, innovative developing methodology, state of the art infrastructure and individual needs of employees are identified and executed professionally, efficiently & ethically.
"The Most Promising Partner"
We are the Red Hat Partner; Today Red Hat is the world's most trusted provider of Linux and open source technology. The most recognized Linux brand in the world. Red Hat serves global enterprises through technology and services made possible by the open source model, include Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating platforms and features RHCE, the global standard Linux certification.
LW is committed to nation building through extending its high end technical support services to MNC's and organisations.
Academic institutions are the natural channel to introduce Linux knowledge and skills to a diverse student population. As the Linux distributor and service provider, LW continues its long-standing partnership with the education market by providing the world's only 100% hands-on Linux curriculum designed on a competency based framework that includes live- system testing measurements. Add further quality & diversity to your IT program and/or teach the most thorough, relevant and up-to- date Linux skills & certification.

High end Business & Training Services
(i.e. Training & Development Centre ):
LW provides training by in-house experts or certified trainers or corporate developers in areas related to System & Network Administration, Programming Languages, Applications/Software Packages, and Server Administration etc. depending on the skills required by the customer.
LW is structured around its Customers, in which customers are the focus of the organisation. Customers lie at the heart of our strategy. We encourage our customers to self-manage, identifying for themselves where their needs lie. Following are the few courses available in various areas like security, certificate courses, development, database management, etc.
- Web Application Development with PHP
- CCENT, CCNA, CCNP, CCIE and many more in the list
Technical Support Services:
With a passionate technical team, fully committed to the development and progress of Open Source, LW offers its clients high end support solutions every time.
LINUXWORLD provides support for all major Open Source applications
Research & Development Centre:
VISION: "To come out with the best operating system i.e. a globally acceptable product this would be different, new and useful to the entire world."
The main objective of LW R&D's team is to work dedicate on the loopholes present in the existing Linux Operating System, to ensure that the same are removed and plug-in the new development which does not exist in Linux OS at present. In other words, it follows Push-Pull Strategy i.e. Pull out the loopholes and Push in the new developments.
Many companies' combines various software available in the communities/platforms and edits the existing ones to some extent, to give a new look to the same. As it is rightly said "Old wine in the New bottle" whereas LW's R&D Centre develops its own networking tools, system monitoring tools and many other software's and LINUX related tools with their own and new ideas and not with the help of the existing ones.
LinuxWorld R&D centre is developing, maintaining & promoting its own special tools based on open source technology & softwares.
According to survey conducted:-